An Account of Altalena’s Last Voyage


  • Louis Arthur Norton



Altalena, oral history, Israel, Israel Defense Force, Irgun


This commentary introduces and reproduces a first-hand account of the 1948 sinking of Altalena off a Tel Aviv beach.

Ce commentaire présente et reproduit un récit de première main du naufrage de l’Altalena en 1948 au large d’une plage de Tel Aviv.

Author Biography

Louis Arthur Norton

Louis Arthur Norton, a professor emeritus at the University of Connecticut, has published extensively in both the scientific and maritime history literature. His books having to do with maritime history include Joshua Barney: Hero of the Revolutionary War, Captains Contentious: The Dysfunctional Sons of the Brine (finalist, 2011 Eric Hoffer book award) Sailing Under John Paul Jones and a children’s book, New England’s Stormalong. Dr. Norton received Mystic Seaport Museum’s LOG’s 2002 and 2006 Gerald E. Morris Prize for maritime historiography and three Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association’s awards for fiction and non-fiction writing. Perhaps apropos to this article, he served as a Fulbright Research Fellow at the Hebrew University’s Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem in 1972.


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A photo of the vessel Altalena burning off a Tel-Aviv beach with a crowd looking on.




How to Cite

Norton, L. A. (2024). An Account of Altalena’s Last Voyage. The Northern Mariner Le Marin Du Nord, 34(1), 129–138.